The owner approached Phoenix Energy and asked us to sort out the installation for him. (he is an architect and could quite easily have sorted this job himself, however our fees are so low that was it more effective to pass the job onto us!)
We surveyed the site, completed the application form, paid the Northern Gas Network fee for him, organised the installation and then organised the meter fit and registration and finally gave advice on getting the best rates for the electricity and gas on site. (the client is well known to Phoenix Energy and trusted, hence us paying the fees and rebilling as a package)
This shows the house and the main road - unfortunately the gas main was located on the wrong side of the road and it was necessary to restrict the traffic with traffic lights whilst the work was carried out. The patching off the tarmac can be seen. (The oil tanks can be seen behind the wall)
The entry point to the property. Underground and so avoiding the use of a tee piece.
Semi recessed meter box flush with the ground - some backfilling still needs to be done and the oil storage is to be removed.
The final piece of the job, installation of the gas meter. The gas meter is filled by British Gas and is registered to the owner. The owner is not obliged to use British Gas but I find that they are excellent for fitting the meters and so we use them for this.
The client is delighted with the job and also with the fee!
Final step is review the electricity and gas on the site. I direct my clients to my independent price comparison website GET ME CHEAP BILLS.COM find the cheapest supplier for the individual site.
This job took less than 8 weeks from first instruction to completion and cost less than £500 including VAT and our management fees.
We are always happy to give initial free advice about utility matters within our scope of knowledge and experience and will refer or assist in any way we can.