Friday 22 June 2012

New Simplified British Gas Tariffs

With immediate effect British Gas have revised their entire domestic tariff structure.

No longer will the following tariffs exist:

Standard, Online Energy, Fixed Price 2013 and Energyshare.

The new tariffs are:

Clear and Simple

A new tariff from British Gas/Sainsbury’s Energy, Clear & Simple is an alternative version of standard tariff with a simplified pricing structure. It has just a daily standing charge with a single unit rate

Evergreen tariff (i.e. no end date)

Straightforward dual fuel discount with all customers getting £15 regardless of consumption

The DD discount is no longer capped



Online Variable August 2013

A new tariff from British Gas/Sainsbury’s Energy, Online Variable Aug 2013 provides the customer with a guaranteed 6% discount on our ‘Clear & Simple’ tariff rates. The discount is applicable once on supply until 31st August 2013

Paperless billing, Online Account Management and Direct Debit are mandatory.

A cancellation fee of £30 per fuel (inc VAT) will apply should the customer move off this tariff prior to 31st August 2013



Fixed Price May 2014

A new tariff from British Gas sold through all channels BG and SE (customers can still manage their account online).

This LTC is not available for PAYGE

Fixed Price May 2014 provides the customer with a 8.8% premium on the new Clear & Simple tariff rates at 22nd June 2012 for gas and/or electricity

Cancellation fee of £50 per fuel (inc VAT) should the customer move off this tariff prior to 31st May 2014