A new year is often the time for people to make New Year's Resolutions - lose some weight, stop smoking, get fit - but probably the most common resolution is to save money! Most of the big 6 energy suppliers, and a few small ones, have recently treated us to a round of pre-Xmas festive price rises - very seasonal of them! Combined with the worst December weather for 120 years mean that millions of people will get nasty suprises when the electricity / gas bills arrive on doormats shortly!
Phoenix Energy offer our domestic customers a way to cut their energy bills. It is probable that anyone who has never switched, would be able to pay even less money than last year, despite the price hikes. We offer a range of fixed, capped, internet only, green energy and pre-payment deals to suit every customer, however large or small their bill and however the customer wishes to pay. Our domestic site is called GET ME CHEAP BILLS . COM and can be accessed via this link
For business customers, without the price protections afforded to domestic customers, the price rises have been much more steep. Another effect of the business market is that many businesses sign long energy contracts of 3-5 years and anyone coming off a fixed contract in the last year will have had to renew at a significantly higher price than previously obtained.

The graph above shows wholesale gas costs, which is one of the main factors affecting energy prices.
I have tabulated below the typical aquisation tariff for one of the leading energy suppliers for a typical small business customer over the last year.
March 2011 - 10.69p
December 2010 - 10.45p
October 2010 - 10.35p
July 2010 - 8.70p
April 2010 - 8.78p
December 2009 - 8.92p
There are many types of business electricity meters and different rates across the country, and sometimes a supplier is more competitively priced at certain periods of the year but the overall price rise is 16.5% between the dates shown, (with a small decrease in the summer) follows the market trend and should be indicative of future energy costs.
Phoenix Energy offer a range of different suppliers and also different tariff lengths to meet the needs of all UK businesses.
To obtain a no - obligation price quote, for up to 120 days ahead please call 0800 458 6460
Please also use this number for any other queries or information.
If your contract is not due to expire yet please contain us for details of how we can help you with your energy renewals and to ensure that you handle the termination process correctly to avoid being 'rolled over'. We offer a free of charge service to our customers and can contact your supplier on your behalf to facilitate a trouble free transfer.