Wednesday 4 March 2009

New Building Conversion

Phoenix Energy have recently undertaken to work on behalf of a Hartlepool developer to manage the utility supply and metering aspects of their new building conversion on Durham Road, Hartlepool. The direlict site of the ex United Reform Church and Sunday School are to be converted into 10 luxury appartments.

The building is direlict, as can be seen in the attached photos and presents a number of difficulties in terms of provision of utility supply.

  • Listed Building

  • Gas supply required - this is difficult in multi - story flats

  • Engineering difficulties - level differences as shown in photos

  • Access to flats via 'bridges'

  • Basement flats causing building to be set back from road

We have recently started the development and are in process of obtaining quotations from NEDL / United Utilities and Hartlepool Water. Please revisit this blog later (ie 6 months!) for an update and to view finished development.

This is an example of the work we do - Phoenix Energy specialise in providing expert utility advice to builders. We take the hassle out of dealing with utility providers and allo our clients to get on with earning money.

Please visit our website