Friday 9 November 2012

Generation and Supply Profit Figures 2011

Amidst all the furore over retail prices over the past few weeks, a significant set of information about the Big-6 energy supply companies has become available which seems to have been overlooked by the media and industry commentators.

 Last week, each of the Big-6 was required, by Ofgem, to publish ‘Consolidated Segmental Reports’ on their UK generation and energy supply operations in the year ending March 2011. This reporting has been happening for a couple of years but, for first time last week, the Reports were published in a consistent fashion – which is useful for those of us who want to compare and contrast.

*In calculating profit margin, I used the stated earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) so as to eliminate differences in tax allowances and non-cash accounting procedures between individual companies.

A few quick observations -

The average profit margin on selling electricity to domestic customers is very low - average 1%

The average profity margin on selling electricity to businesses is only 4%

The average profit margin on generating electricity is massive - 38%

There is a significant variation in the 'buying' cost of energy between suppliers (5.78p Edf vs 7.82p Scottish Power) yet the average prices sold to customers has much less variation.

I believe further investigation by the government and OFGEM into the workings of the electricity market is necessary.


Thursday 25 October 2012

Fixed Tariffs Ending? -Get a New One!

October 25, 2012

Switch to a Fixed Rate Tariff Now

ENERGYLINX: As energy suppliers continue to announce the implementation of looming price increases, customers must remain alert regarding how they may be affected.
Within the next several weeks, 3 of the nation's largest suppliers - all of which have already announced price increases - will remove 5 fixed tariffs from the market. These tariffs are as follows:
Price Promise October 2012 from British Gas
Price Promise October 2012
Distribution AreaBritish GasBritish GasImpact on 31/10/2012Termination Fees
Price Promise October 2012Clear and Simple£%ElectricGasDate
Eastern Electricity£1,043.69£1,184.28£140.5913.47%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012
East Midlands Electricity£1,047.13£1,168.34£121.2111.58%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012
London Electricity£1,069.03£1,198.17£129.1412.08%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012
Midlands Electricity£1,043.84£1,210.92£167.0816.01%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012
Northern Electric£1,046.78£1,180.53£133.7512.78%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012
Scottish Hydro£1,060.61£1,187.15£126.5411.93%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012
Scottish Power£1,055.34£1,175.61£120.2711.40%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012
Southern Electric£1,072.15£1,205.59£133.4412.45%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012
Yorkshire Electricity£1,008.43£1,170.14£161.7116.04%£50.00£50.0031/10/2012

Online Saver 4 from British Gas

Online Saver 4
Distribution AreaBritish GasBritish GasImpact on 31/10/2012Termination Fees
Online Saver 4Clear and Simple£%ElectricGasDate
Eastern Electricity£1,133.80£1,184.28£50.484.45%
East Midlands Electricity£1,118.46£1,168.34£49.884.46%
London Electricity£1,146.91£1,198.17£51.264.47%
Midlands Electricity£1,159.21£1,210.92£51.714.46%
Northern Electric£1,130.05£1,180.53£50.484.47%
Scottish Hydro£1,136.41£1,187.15£50.744.46%
Scottish Power£1,125.31£1,175.61£50.304.47%
Southern Electric£1,154.12£1,205.59£51.474.46%
Yorkshire Electricity£1,119.98£1,170.14£50.164.48%

Discount Saver 2012 from British Gas

DiscountSaver 2012
Distribution AreaBritish GasBritish GasImpact on 31/10/2012Termination Fees
DiscountSaver 2012Clear and Simple£%ElectricGasDate
Eastern Electricity£1,133.62£1,184.28£50.664.47%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012
East Midlands Electricity£1,118.37£1,168.34£49.974.47%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012
London Electricity£1,146.92£1,198.17£51.254.47%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012
Midlands Electricity£1,159.03£1,210.92£51.894.48%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012
Northern Electric£1,129.85£1,180.53£50.684.49%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012
Scottish Hydro£1,136.24£1,187.15£50.914.48%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012
Scottish Power£1,125.10£1,175.61£50.514.49%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012
Southern Electric£1,154.06£1,205.59£51.534.47%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012
Yorkshire Electricity£1,120.01£1,170.14£50.134.48%£30.00£30.0031/10/2012

Sign Online 23 from nPower

Online Fixed Saver November 2012
Distribution AreaScottish PowerScottish PowerImpact on 31/10/2012Termination Fees
Online Fixed Saver November 2012Standard£%ElectricGasDate
Eastern Electricity£1,113.74£1,152.85£39.113.51%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012
East Midlands Electricity£1,110.68£1,150.03£39.353.54%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012
London Electricity£1,135.90£1,176.33£40.433.56%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012
Midlands Electricity£1,117.44£1,157.27£39.833.56%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012
Northern Electric£1,115.07£1,154.76£39.693.56%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012
Scottish Hydro£1,151.62£1,193.23£41.613.61%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012
Scottish Power£1,123.52£1,163.96£40.443.60%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012
Southern Electric£1,132.13£1,172.36£40.233.55%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012
Yorkshire Electricity£1,100.67£1,140.42£39.753.61%£30.64£20.4231/10/2012

Online Fixed Saver November 2012 from ScottishPower
Sign Online 23
Distribution AreanPowernPowerImpact on 06/11/2012Termination Fees
Sign Online 23Standard£%ElectricGasDate
Eastern Electricity£955.05£1,143.51£188.4619.73%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
East Midlands Electricity£967.76£1,130.93£163.1716.86%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
London Electricity£980.55£1,150.53£169.9817.34%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
Midlands Electricity£983.93£1,168.70£184.7718.78%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
Northern Electric£975.66£1,144.05£168.3917.26%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
Scottish Hydro£990.83£1,129.31£138.4813.98%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
Scottish Power£964.45£1,129.83£165.3817.15%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
Southern Electric£991.88£1,153.72£161.8416.32%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
Yorkshire Electricity£965.60£1,144.28£178.6818.50%£20.00£20.0006/11/2012
The expiration of said tariffs will precede the price increases of suppliers by a window of only 2-3 weeks. nPower is set to increase bills by an average of 8.8% for gas and 9.1% for electricity, to take effect on 26 November 2012. Meanwhile, British Gas has warned customers to prepare for a 6% increase for both their gas and electricity bills as of 17 November 2012. ScottishPower will be implementing their price increase from 3 December.
Energylinx would strongly advise all customers who are currently participating in any of these expiring tariffs - the Price Promise October 2012, Online Saver 4 and Discount Saver 2012 from British Gas, the Sign Online 23 from nPower and Online Fixed Saver November 2012 from ScottishPower - to consider switching tariffs immediately in order to avoid being dumped onto ever-increasing standard tariff rates.