One of the core activities of Phoenix Energy is our 'Void Management Scheme.' This is designed to help landlords / letting / estate agents / councils and asylum providers. - basically anyone managing multiple domestic properties.
Dealing with energy companies can be difficult and time-consuming and the passing of information regarding other people is often met by a wall of 'data protection' rules.
The void management scheme is designed to facilitate the registration of energy accounts and to take hassles away from the staff of the letting agents. (time could be then spent on more productive work!)
All information is passed to a designated account manager and is acknowledged. We will complete the registration of your tenants through the managed housing department of one of the major suppliers. We guarentee that the rates will be amongst the best available for dual fuel in all areas of the UK. (We deal with agencies ranging from Newcasle to Swindon and Chester to Hull!)
Please see
for more details - or phone 0800 458 64 60.
Examples of typical properties we deal with are shown below.
Urban Lofts
City appartments
New build houses
Student flats /HMO
Terraced houses
More Customers are Choosing the Smaller Suppliers
In April 2014 289,000 consumers' switched energy suppliers, with almost
half choosing smaller suppliers over the 'Big Six'. Despite this, the large